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Opportunities for Involvement

Dear ASSBI colleagues,

There are a lot of your colleagues out there wanting your help, have a look and see if you can help out.

ASSBI Student Network

Every year, there is a call for applications to join the ASSBI Student Network, inviting  students across all health disciplines in Australia and New Zealand who would like to be a part of the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) student community. Undergraduate and postgraduate students from all universities across Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to apply, as well as across all disciplines (e.g., Speech Pathology, Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Medicine, Social Work, Psychiatry, Physiotherapy). 

More information will be made available once applications open, including descriptions of the positions that will be available. Applications typically open in October each year.

We suggest you subscribe to the ASSBI student newsletter to receive the latest updates as to when applications open! You can also view the ‘Student Ambassadors’ tab of the ASSBI website to see the current members of the ASSBI Student Network.

Please direct any questions about the ASSBI Student Network to the National Student Coordinator, Nicole Feast, via email to

Are you a health professional who works with stroke patients? Can you help with our research?

We are currently seeking health professionals in Australia who have current experience working with stroke patients to participate in this study with full ethics approval from Monash University (ID #32484).  You can access more information and express interest in this research by following this link (takes less than 2min):

Participants will take part in an interview, and a researcher will ask questions about your experience and perception of working with stroke patients with cognitive impairment. Interviews are conducted either face-to-face or via videoconferencing. This is a chance to share your experience and help us understand what can be done to improve rehabilitation and care of stroke survivors in Australia.

Regards, A/Prof Rene Stolwyk, Dr Vincent Oxenham, Dr Elizabeth Lynch, Ms Miki Boneh

Child Apraxia of Speech Trial

We are researchers from the Speech and Language Group at Murdoch Children’s Institute. We’re conducting a trial of methylphenidate (Ritalin) as a possible intervention for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). The study is open to 6–12-year-old children within 130km of MCRI who are either diagnosed with CAS or have suspected CAS, and elevated inattentive and/or hyperactive symptoms. Please find attached our study flyer for further information.

Interested participants can express their interest here:

Please feel free to be in touch with Prof Angela Morgan for any queries: or (03) 8341 6458.

Angela Morgan and Elana Forbes

M.O.S.T-project: Meaningful Outcomes for School-aged kids with CCDs from TBI

We are trying to understand which treatment outcomes are most important for school-aged kids with cognitive-communication disorders (CCDs) arising from TBIs and their families.

In this project, we will interview children and teens with brain injuries and their parents. Interviews may last for up to 20 minutes. Interviews will happen over Zoom, meaning families can take part from home (or anywhere that is easiest for them!). 

Children and teens will suggest treatment outcomes to help a fictional character with a TBI.In their interviews, parents will be asked about what aspects of their child's communication and life they would most like to help following their TBI.

The results from the M.O.S.T project will be integrated with results from an international e-Delphi study to provide guidance for clinicians undertaking assessment and outcome measurement in clinical practice.

Children, teens and their families are eligible to take part, if:

  • They are between 5 - 18 years of age;
  • They have a cognitive-communication disorder or difficulties (CCD) following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) (or concussion);
  • They live in Australia.
This research study has ethical approval from The University of Queensland [2022/HE000609]. 

Interested families can visit to read more about our study and register their interest. Please don't hesitate to contact Dr Sarah Wallace ( or Lauren Crumlish  ( if any questions arise.

Current practice methods of rehabilitation professionals in the assessment of financial capability in people with acquired cognitive impairment: a mixed methods study. 

  • Are you an occupational therapist, neuropsychologist or other rehabilitation professional?

  • Do you work with people who have acquired cognitive impairment due to acquired brain injury (ABI) or neurological disability (dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis etc.)?
  • Are you/ or have you been previously involved in exploring or assessing a person's financial capability (financial capacity/competence)?

Assessing financial capability, or the behaviours and approaches to personal financial decision-making may involve exploring a person's ability to manage money, shop, budget and pay bills. It may also involve examining how a person makes financial choices, plans ahead, or gains assistance with financial tasks if required. 

Aim: To explore the current methods and practices of rehabilitation professionals in the assessment of financial capability following acquired cognitive impairment and understand their perspectives of desired aspects in future assessment tools.

Share: Please share your experiences with other rehabilitation professionals and the research team in a focus group (in-person or online) with an accompanying short survey to help build knowledge of current practice to inform assessment development.

Contact: Research team: Sarah Swan  

0406 532 778

Freyr Patterson, 

Jenny Fleming,

This study has ethical approval from the University of Queensland (2022/HE002294)

The Concussion Essentials Studies

Examining an individualised treatment, including education, physiotherapy & psychology for children and adolescents 8 – 18 years who have persisting symptoms following a concussion.

Study 1 - For children and adolescents less than 3 weeks post-concussion 8-week treatment vs. Usual Care

Study 2 - For children and adolescents 3 to 12 months post-concussion 12-week treatment

Plus, all participants receive

  • concussion-targeted physiotherapy assessment,
  • neuropsychology assessment, and
  • symptom monitoring


The Royal Children’s Hospital, or Mt Waverley location Face-to-Face and telehealth appointments available


Patients: Contact the study team for more information


Ph: 0423 188 247

Health professionals: Refer by visiting

Occupational therapy researchers at La Trobe University are seeking survey participants for a study exploring how occupational therapists treat behavioural changes to optimise participation for people living with brain injury

You may qualify if  

  • You are an AHPRA accredited occupational therapist  
  • You work, or have worked within the last 2 years, with adults living with brain injury and behavioural changes  
Participation involves 
If you decide to take part in the research, you would be asked to: 
Reimbursement for participation 

If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the study, please contact Ana Brown:
Survey link:

Complete a 15-minute survey, online 

Your decision to participate in research is voluntary. 

There are no additional costs associated with participation in this research study, nor will you or the participant be paid.


We are trialling an 8-week inter-disciplinary intervention including neuropsychology, physiotherapy, and medicine disciplines for persisting symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury/concussion. The treatment is free of charge for all participants and is taking place in Melbourne.

Participants will receive one of two management regimes – (1) a full assessment (neuropsychology and physiotherapy) and psychoeducation or (2) a full assessment and interdisciplinary treatment.

We are looking for participants who:

·        Have had a mild traumatic brain injury/concussion within the past 2 weeks-to-24 months

·        Have persisting post-concussion symptoms (at least 2 weeks post-injury, but less than 24 months post injury)

·        Are aged between 16-70 years

·        Have adequate English language

·        Do not have an acute psychiatric condition, active substance use, or significant neurological history


If you or anyone you know might be interested in participating, contact Jack Nguyen or Stephanie Antonopoulos on 9426 8923 or by email at for more information. We welcome self-referrals and clinician referrals. 

This study is approved by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC no. 23005).

Editorial Board -
Call for Expressions of Interest for the Editorial Board of Brain Impairment

The Editorial Board is the backbone of the journal, and Editorial Board members fulfill a range of important roles in addition to peer-reviewing manuscripts. These include promoting the journal to colleagues, developing ideas for special issues, advising the editorial team, and encouraging others to submit their high quality work to Brain Impairment.

We are currently expanding the Editorial Board of the journal and invite expressions of interest from ASSBI members and researchers in relevant fields. In particular, we aim to grow the Editorial Board to include more members of the international brain injury research community to match the growth in manuscript submissions from other countries. 

To submit an expression of interest please email your CV to the editors, Jenny ( and Grahame (

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Our purpose is to bring together a multidisciplinary society of researchers, educators, and clinical practitioners to improve the lives of people with conditions impacting the brain and their support networks


P: +61 (0)425 220622

PO Box 326, 
Matraville, NSW 2036. Australia

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