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What's going on at ASSBI and Around the World

This is where you'll find out what's going on at ASSBI, all the news on Brain Impairment and opportunities in other countries across the world.




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  • 5 Mar 2025 13:37 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)


    These are my final “Words from our President” before handing over the steering wheel to the wonderful A/Prof Barbra Zupan. It has been an incredible honour to lead ASSBI over the past 2 years – a job that could not be done without being surrounded by such a capable committee. I am proud of what we have done together. 

    In the latest breaking news, I am excited to announce that we have a new membership structure. For the first time, membership is FREE for students, people with lived experience of brain conditions, and people from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). LMIC members will have free access to our ASSBI resources and recorded webinars.  We also have a new low-cost membership tier for people in their early career (i.e., within 5 years of graduating from a relevant course). We hope that this will provide greater and more equitable access to ASSBI’s resources, professional development and networking opportunities, and the other benefits of being part of our fantastic community.

    I am also very pleased to say that we have now finalised the terms of reference for our Lived Experience subcommittee. These were co-designed with people with brain conditions and their close others, together with ASSBI executive committee members led by Janet Wagland. This subcommittee will provide important contributions to our conferences, awards, website, and other activities. In further news, we have also refreshed our ASSBI awards. New conference awards, including for Best Student Presentation, a Travel Award open to both students and early career members, and an award for the best presentation involving people with Lived Experience in the research team, will be in place for the 7th Pacific Rim conference in July. We will announce additional (non-conference) awards soon.

    The good news keeps coming… a large number of abstracts were submitted for our 2025 7th Pacific Rim conference in Brisbane from 2nd-5th July, for which ASSBI is partnering with INS and CCN. The keynote speakers and workshop presenters have now been announced by the convenor team -keep reading to find out more about them. I look forward to a vibrant, diverse and stimulating conference.

    At our AGM in May, we will also welcome some new members to our executive committee, including a contingent from New Zealand. This presents great opportunities to expand our NZ presence further, kicking off with our 2026 conference which will be held there. A/Prof Barbra Zupan will take over as President at the May AGM. I have no doubt she will take ASSBI from strength to strength.

    Thank you so much to Margaret and Matt Eagers, all our hard-working executive committee and Lived Experience subcommittee members – and to the brilliant students, clinicians, researchers and community members who make ASSBI such a fun ship to steer.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI

  • 26 Feb 2025 08:44 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    Memberships have been changed we now have complementary memberships for the undernoted groups. Evidence must be given:

    • Student (proof: letter of enrollment )
    • LMIC (proof: evidence of current residency)
    • Lived Experience (proof: Evidence of being on Government benefits)

    Early Career Membership - $88 (proof: graduation certificate proving they are within 5 years of graduating)

  • 2 Dec 2024 10:00 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues

    At the risk of rolling out overused tropes, it really does feel hard to believe that it is December already. It’s tempting to believe that time itself is changing shape and pace, rather than just our perception of it. I will keep these ‘Notes from the President’ short and sweet given everyone is busily trying to get other things done (including me!)

    This year has seen ASSBI make great progress on key initiatives, including establishment of a Lived Experience subcommittee; development of initiatives to provide free membership and access to our resources for clinicians and researchers from Low- and Middle-Income Countries; and development of new initiatives to attract and support early career members. Hot off the press - this latter initiative includes a new membership tier for early career clinicians/researchers, which we hope will make ASSBI membership more affordable. We are also currently reviewing our awards and look forward to announcing our refreshed award structure soon.

    Our 2025 7th Pacific Rim conference in Brisbane from 2nd-5th July, for which ASSBI is partnering with INS and the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists (CCN), now has a theme: “Brain Health and Intersectionality”. It promises to be a thought-provoking, engaging and innovative program. The call for abstracts is open and the convenors are looking forward to your submissions for oral and poster presentations and how-to sessions.

    Also, keep your eye out for the draft Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Psychosocial Difficulties for Adults with Moderate-to-severe Traumatic Brain Injury, which are out for public consultation (see link on the ASSBI website). These are the first guidelines of their type in Australia, and feedback and input from future users of the guidelines will be very important for ensuring they are clear, relevant and useful.

    Before the year ends, I hope that you have some time to pause and reflect on your work during 2024. I have no doubt that everyone in our wonderful ASSBI community has had a meaningful impact on the lives of people with brain conditions. Cheers to that!

    Dana Wong

  • 2 Sep 2024 08:56 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    The last few months has seen ASSBI engage internationally, with some exciting opportunities developing as a result. The Global Neuropsychology Congress, which was co-hosted by ASSBI, the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN), the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), and the Latin American Society of Neuropsychology (SLAN), took place in Porto in July. It was a wonderful and truly global conference, with more than 1000 attendees from over 50 countries and a prominent focus on the cross-cultural relevance and accessibility of assessments and interventions for people with brain conditions around the world. Australia was the country with the second highest number of registrants. I was proud to see the wide range and high quality of presentations from ASSBI members, including our ASSBI-sponsored symposium on co-design chaired by Jennie Ponsford with presenters Nicci Grace, Jacinta Douglas, Jessica Trevena-Peters and Jill Hwang. Special thanks to co-convenor Vicki Anderson (who we’ll claim as ASSBI’s!) who worked incredibly hard over many years to organise a massive and successful event; and to Skye McDonald and Jennie Ponsford, our ASSBI representatives on the program committee and local organising committee respectively.  Whilst in Porto, the 4 host societies, including ASSBI, met with a representative from the World Health Organization to discuss potential opportunities for engagement with relevant WHO initiatives. At the conference close, I was delighted to present the ASSBI Global Ambassador Award to Skye McDonald. Congratulations once again Skye!

    While in Portugal, several members of the ASSBI executive committee also met with colleagues from India, to explore ways in which we can make ASSBI’s resources, webinars, conferences and other training opportunities available at minimal or no cost to clinicians and researchers in India and other low-and-middle-income countries. We are continuing to engage with them to develop these initiatives and more. There is much we can learn from our colleagues in low-and-middle-income countries about their creative and innovative efforts to deliver services in resource-constrained contexts with a diverse range of people with unmet support needs. This is an exciting chapter for ASSBI; we are keen to share our wealth of resources and opportunities with countries where access to these may be difficult. Stay tuned for announcements on this.

    Plans are shaping up well for the 2025 7th Pacific Rim conference in Brisbane from 2nd-5th July, where ASSBI will partner with INS and the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists (CCN) to deliver a fabulous and vibrant program. The team of convenors includes representatives from each of the three organisations: thank you to Jenny Fleming (ASSBI), Vince Oxenham & Jody Kamminga (CCN) and Kerryn Pike (INS) for stepping up and bringing such enthusiasm and purpose to this voluntary role. We hope to see everyone there for what promises to be another fantastic conference and chance to connect with our clinician, researcher, student and lived experience community members, both local and international.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI

  • 1 Jun 2024 09:18 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)


    I am still thrumming with ideas, memories, reflections and pride after ASSBI’s annual conference early in May in Sydney. What a fabulous showcase of the outstanding multidisciplinary research and practice being done by ASSBI members – we do meaningful, person-centred, evidence-based and innovative work to make lives better for people living with brain conditions. All the platform and datablitz presentations, posters, how-to sessions, lived experience panel, keynote addresses and workshops were of the highest quality and truly engaging. The conference venue and catering were also top notch which enhanced the experience deliciously. I’m still thinking about that sashimi and those dumplings at the welcome reception! Congratulations to Elise Bogart and the organising committee, the student team led by Nicole Feast, and of course Margaret and Matt Eagers, for putting together such a fantastic conference. Thank you also to everyone who has sent lovely messages about the impact of the conference for them via email and social media. It’s such a wonderful community we have. I look forward to reading the full conference report in the Professional Development section of this newsletter.

    During the conference, we had the opportunity to meet with several members of our new ASSBI lived experience sub-committee. We spoke about the role of this sub-committee, which will be to develop and expand ASSBI’s activities in ways that are driven by people with lived experience of brain conditions. There are many exciting opportunities here, including providing accessible information and resources about the latest research to people with lived experience whose lives can benefit from that research. Our first steps will be to co-develop a Terms of Reference document for the lived experience committee, which will then guide the priorities and next step for the coming year and beyond.

    ASSBI’s 2023 Annual Report was distributed at our recent AGM and is a surprisingly good read! At the AGM we spoke about ways to expand our membership, particularly early career clinicians and researchers. Stay tuned for developments and initiatives around that. We are also hoping to recruit executive committee members from outside Australia. It was great to see many of our excellent New Zealand colleagues at the ASSBI conference and discuss the synergies between the work we are doing. 

    The program for the Global Neuropsychology Congress in Porto in July (for which ASSBI is a co-host) has been announced. It looks excellent and features numerous presenters from our ASSBI community. Can’t wait! I’m also looking forward to our 2025 7th Pacific Rim conference in Brisbane – it has just been confirmed that the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists will be partnering with ASSBI and INS for this conference. We are excited to have the opportunity to work together again and put together what will undoubtedly be another excellent conference reflecting the shared focus of all three organisations on optimising research and practice in neuropsychology and brain conditions across the lifespan.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI

  • 1 Mar 2024 14:58 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    Happy not-so-new year to all in our ASSBI community! I am writing this from New York, where I have just found out that the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) have confirmed that their mid-year meeting in 2025 will be co-hosted with ASSBI and held in Brisbane. This is a very exciting next step in our longstanding alliance with INS over several successful mid-year meetings. The most recent of these was in 2021, when the conference which was planned to be in Melbourne moved online at the last minute (co-convenors Kerryn Pike, Travis Wearne and I together with conference organisers Margaret and Matt Eagers are still recovering!) It will be wonderful to have the opportunity to meet in person this time.

    This year’s ASSBI conference convenor Elise Bogart (Elbourn) and the program committee have put together a fabulous program – don’t miss it in Sydney from 2-4 May 2024 at the Four Seasons Hotel. Don’t forget to book accommodation at the conference hotel while the discounted rate is still available. Early bird registration is also great value for money!

    A warm welcome to our new national student coordinator, Nicole Feast (a clinical neuropsychologist who is doing a PhD at the University of Western Australia) – and thank you so much to our outgoing student coordinator Aishani Desai, who thankfully is staying on the ASSBI committee as part of our social media team. Nicole has gone straight to work helping plan a great program of student events and initiatives at both the ASSBI conference in Sydney and the Global Neuropsychology Congress in Porto from 3-5 July this year (, which is jointly hosted by ASSBI, INS, FESN and SLAN. There has been a lot of interest from Australian researchers, clinicians, and students for the Porto conference – I can’t wait!

    ASSBI is also currently reviewing ways in which we can better support engagement in our conferences, webinars and resources from people from low- and middle-income countries. We are very keen to provide more affordable opportunities to access ASSBI events and activities and expand our reach internationally. I’m looking forward to progressing this and other ASSBI initiatives with the hard-working executive committee in 2024.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI

  • 1 Dec 2023 15:02 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    As the year draws to a close (oddly, since it was January only a couple of months ago), it is an opportunity to reflect on the year that’s now behind us. It has been a fairly chaotic one in the world of health services and systems, as the widespread consequences of the pandemic have revealed themselves in both expected and unexpected ways. During the pandemic, uncertainty about the future had a focused, crisis quality to it. That has now given way to uncertainty about the way in which our health, disability, social and education systems now operate. In these stormy seas, clarity about our values and guiding principles is all the more important for steering the ship.

    One of the things I most love about ASSBI is that we are a community unswervingly guided by our values. In the recent revamp of our website (which is worth checking out –, our home page now proudly states our Purpose, which is to improve the lives of people with conditions impacting the brain and their support networks; our Vision, to support maintenance and innovations in knowledge and practice to provide the best possible treatment and care; and our Mission, to support professional development, cross-disciplinary engagement, and strengthen the voice of lived experience. I believe our activities throughout 2023 have enacted these intentions, from the fabulous Darwin conference to our ever-growing suite of evidence-based resources, our BRAINSPaN community of practice, and developing plans for our lived experience sub-committee.

    Our recent survey of 2023 conference attendees was informative in guiding some of the intentions we now have for 2024.  A majority of the attendees had been loyal attendees of ASSBI conferences for many years, which is wonderful, but we had fewer attendees in their early career. We are now brainstorming ways to encourage engagement with early career clinicians and researchers, and would love to hear your ideas about this. We hope to see plenty of you at the 2024 ASSBI Conference, to be held in Sydney from 2-4 May 2024 at the Four Seasons Hotel. The program is shaping up beautifully, including a reasonably priced conference dinner with DJ and dancefloor, which is always a personal highlight!

    Plans for the Global Neuropsychology Congress in Porto, Portugal in mid-2024 (, which is jointly hosted by ASSBI, INS, FESN and SLAN, are also progressing well. There will be an excellent program of keynote and invited speakers, symposia and roundtables on a range of contemporary topics. Keep your eye out for the call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations, coming any day now.

    I hope that you all have a relaxing festive season enjoying delicious food with family and friends. Let’s hope that we all start 2024 restored and ready for whatever the future brings.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI
  • 1 Sep 2023 15:05 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    Things have been busy at ASSBI, as usual. Planning is full steam ahead for the 2024 ASSBI Conference, to be held in Sydney from 2-4 May 2024 at the Four Seasons Hotel. Block out your calendars!

    ASSBI are also partnering with several organisations including the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN), the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), and the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neuropsicologia (SLAN), to host the Global Neuropsychology Congress from 3-5 July 2024 in beautiful Porto, Portugal. This congress will be an international meeting of minds, bringing together members of ASSBI, FESN, INS, and SLAN, as well as many other friends and colleagues from around the world. The congress will incorporate research and clinical practice topics relevant to neuropsychology and related fields, to ensure that everyone in our global community benefits from the very best neuropsychological science and practice.  See more in our Newsletter

  • 1 Sep 2023 15:03 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

  • 1 Jun 2023 07:52 | Margaret Eagers (Administrator)

    I am delighted to be writing my very first “Words from our President”, having taken the reins from Prof Olivier Piguet at ASSBI’s AGM at the conference in Darwin on 5 May 2023. I feel incredibly honoured to lead such a vibrant, forward-thinking, impactful and inclusive organisation whose members care so deeply about working together to improve the lives of people living with brain conditions. ASSBI’s unique strength is its multidisciplinary, transdiagnostic scope, which allows rich exchange of knowledge and ideas amongst clinicians, researchers, students, policy makers, and people with lived experience of conditions affecting the brain.

    I have been a member of ASSBI since I was a bright-eyed clinical neuropsychology student in the early 2000s. I have always loved ASSBI conferences and events, for both the high-quality, clinically meaningful content, and the top-notch social program which reliably features dance floor delights! This was never truer than in Darwin, at ASSBI’s first in-person/hybrid conference since 2019. I am still buzzing from the fun of it all. A full conference report will follow in the next newsletter, but for now – thank you and congratulations to Barbra Zupan and Lizzie Beadle for their superb job as convenors, the student team led by Aishani Desai for all of their crucial contributions, all our keynote speakers and presenters who beautifully showcased the diverse and important work that is happening in our field, and of course the inimitable Margaret and Matt Eagers, without whom we really would all flounder.

    I’m also proud of ASSBI’s focus on supporting students through our student teams and ambassadors, events, awards, and other initiatives. I spent several years as the Student Liaison Officer on the ASSBI executive committee, which was a very rewarding role, and indeed quite easy given the amazing competence and innovative spirit of our student team and members. The next generation of clinicians and researchers in the brain impairment field are truly remarkable.

    I would like to give an enormous thank you to Olivier Piguet for all his hard work during his two years as President. Olivier had the tough gig of leading ASSBI through the thick of the pandemic, and consequently gave his two Presidential Addresses online rather than in-person, thereby missing the rewards of a live audience. He was nevertheless unflappable, capable, and determined. He was instrumental in developing ASSBI’s 5-year strategic plan and ensuring our plans for the first year were successfully implemented. It has also been wonderful to have a dementia expert at the helm of ASSBI, which has been important for ensuring our scope includes all brain conditions, not just brain injury.

    Enormous thanks must go to Emeritus Professor Robyn Tate, who is stepping down from the ASSBI committee as part of her attempts to “retire”. Robyn has been instrumental to ASSBI right from the beginning, and in fact was part of the birth of ASSBI in 1976, at the same time as I was busy being born. It is hard to put into words the phenomenal contributions that Robyn has made to ASSBI and to our field broadly. She has such a rigorous, careful, considered approach to everything she puts her mind to. Special thanks to you Robyn for all you have given, and for asking me to step into your shoes as President.

    Congratulations also to our new President-Elect, A/Prof Barbra Zupan. In line with our aim to ensure multidisciplinary engagement with ASSBI goes from strength to strength, it will be wonderful to have a speech pathologist at the helm to give everyone a break from us neuropsychologists! Barbra is very active, positive, and hard-working and will undoubtedly be a fantastic President when she takes over in 2025.

    In the second year of ASSBI’s 5-year strategic plan, there is a strong focus on growing and re-imagining the ways in which ASSBI engages with people with lived experience. This is a really important task and one which is very close all our hearts. The executive committee would welcome all your ideas about this, and how ASSBI can best complement the work of other organisations focused on advocacy for people living with brain conditions.

    It'll be a busy couple of years ahead. It’s just as well we have such a strong committee and membership to share the work – and have some fun along the way.

    Dana Wong, President, ASSBI
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