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ASSBI Students

ASSBI Students

ASSBI has always given and continues to give young aspiring students a collegial environment to meet their peers and more experienced clinicians and researchers at workshops and the annual conference. The student membership is now complementary (with proof) and includes all the benefits that a full membership offers as well as other opportunities.

Student Ambassadors

Student Events

Student Opportunities

ASSBI offers opportunities to student members as well as student non-members. Some initiatives include:

  • Student Ambassador Programme
  • Student Ambassador Events
  • Prizes awarded at the conference based on submitted abstracts and presentations
  • A free networking event at the conference, available to all registered students
  • A free workshop specifically for students at the conference, available to all registered students
  • Big savings on all ASSBI events to student members
  • Ambassadors also put together free events in their City to network with other ASSBI members and encourage non-ASSBI members to join
  • To get in touch with our student co-ordinator


I joined to link in with other students and professionals working in the field of brain injury and to be informed of conferences, events, and new research. I stay because it's linked me in with a great little network of colleagues as well as for the reasons that I joined in the first place! Have met some amazing people since joining and as a PhD student that works off-campus it creates a support network that is extremely valuable for me.
Melissa Brunner, QLD

ASSBI has provided fantastic networking and development opportunities throughout my time as a student representative and member. As an ASSBI student member, I have been able to attend conferences, professional development workshops and student networking events; all of which have allowed me to connect with peers & colleagues from around Australia. 
Anna Carmichael, VIC

Online Shop & Resources

ASSBI Membership

Professional Development

Our purpose is to bring together a multidisciplinary society of researchers, educators, and clinical practitioners to improve the lives of people with conditions impacting the brain and their support networks


P: +61 (0)425 220622

PO Box 326, 
Matraville, NSW 2036. Australia

Social Media & Student Contact


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