The Kevin Walsh encouragement award for the most outstanding masters degree student
I completed a qualitative systematic review employing JBI methodology as part of a higher degree of research based at JBI, University of Adelaide. The systematic review is titled Adult patient and their carer experiences of planning for hospital discharge after a major trauma event: A qualitative systematic review.
After searching and screening, data was extracted from the 16 articles included in the systematic review. The following synthesised findings were produced:
- Patients and carers feel generally unprepared to manage at home after discharge
- Early identification of patients’ post discharge needs allows for appropriate referrals and supports to be organised prior to discharge
- Patients and carers value participation in the discharge planning process to facilitate considered, organised and timely discharge from hospital
- The timely presentation, delivery, language used, format and relevancy of information impacts how patients and carers manage their discharge
The research findings indicate that patients and carers are not satisfied with their hospital discharge planning after major trauma. The discussion proposes and develops the following and other, implications for practice.
- Patients and carers should receive education on coping skills, such as hope and resilience, and have access to peer support to assist to them adjust to the effects of their injuries and reintegrate into the community.
- Patients may benefit from having a trauma pathway healthcare professional to provide support and advocacy services throughout their hospital admission and after discharge.
- Patients and carers should be invited to participate in shared decision-making in regard to their healthcare. This empowers patients and carers to direct their care and ensures that care remains relevant to the individual.
· Healthcare professionals should be trained in health literacy skills to enable them to be sensitive towards and understand the information needs and learning style of patients and carers. This should influence the provision of individualised discharge information that is presented in an easily accessible format for patients and carers.
I have submitted a manuscript to Disability and Rehabilitation and am awaiting a decision on whether it will be accepted for publication.
Jeanette Collins