How BRAINSPaN operates
The group uses a blend of communication methods, including:
- a Google group,, within which BRAINSPaN members can discuss topics and email the group with information or questions
- this website, which can be used to upload resources and links
- opportunities to connect face-to-face, e.g. at ASSBI conferences
Discussion topics on the Google group can be focused on anything relevant to the goals of BRAINSPaN, including how to develop skills in particular assessment and intervention techniques, consultation on difficult cases, and notification of recent research findings. Any BRAINSPaN member can lead or contribute to any discussion thread. The moderators will oversee the operations of the network. The BRAINSPaN moderators are:
- Dr Dana Wong, Clinical Neuropsychologist (Victoria)
- Dr Emmah Doig, Occupational Therapist (Queensland)
- Dr Joanne Steel, Speech Pathologist (New South Wales)